About Sam

Sam Brown is a professional Drummer based in the UK.

After graduating with a degree in Commercial Arranging from Berklee College of Music in the USA, he has toured, gigged and recorded with artists from Imelda May to Gilad Atzmon and from Georgie Fame to Alan Price and Zoot Money.

TV work has included working with Bruce Forsyth, Jimmy Tarbuck and Kenny Lynch and he is currently working on the second album from presenter Nicky Campbell. He has performed all over the world from Helsinki to Dubai and from village halls to Buckingham Palace.

Author of the groundbreaking ‘Self Hypnosis for Musicians” CD package, Sam is widely recognized as one of the leading speciallists in hypnosis techniques specifically for musicians. His iPhone App ‘Musicians Hypnosis’ is often in the iTunes Music App ‘What’s Hot’ list.

His other iPhone Apps, ‘Drum Secrets’ and ‘Drum Secrets 2’ are possibly the best drum tutorial apps in the App Store. To quote one reviewer: “At last someone who can really teach instead of just showing off”.

He is currently learning Mandarin and the Chromatic Harmonica – both of which are winning.